不曉得為什麼每當看到 Design Patterns 的書籍,都會有種狂熱想買回來好好研讀一番。如果不排斥看原文書,可以考慮去買來看看,花點時間看完它,對於寫作功力一定會有幫助的。
Part 1: Object-Oriented JavaScript
Ch. 01: Expressive JavaScript
Ch. 02: Interfaces
Ch. 03: Encapsulation and Information Hiding
Ch. 04: Inheritance
Ch. 05: The Singleon Pattern
Ch. 06: Chaining
Part 2: Design Patterns
Ch. 07: The Factory Pattern
Ch. 08: The Bridge Pattern
Ch. 09: The Composite Pattern
Ch. 10: The Facade Pattern
Ch. 11: The Adapter Pattern
Ch. 12: The Decorator Pattern
Ch. 13: The Flyweight Pattern
Ch. 14: The Proxy Pattern
Ch. 15: The Observer Pattern
Ch. 16: The Command Pattern
Ch. 17: The Chain of Responsibility Pattern